Spinning Around Our Star

Music Composed by Oreobambo

For Piano and Harpsichord

Performed by Margaret Penn

EM Productions 2010

Total Length 71':54''


Fresh Water Springing from the Uku Pacha
The Clock of the Spheres is for You
Spinning Around Our Star
Sigi Tolo, Po Tolo and Emme Ya

Copyright ©2010 Oreobambo

Margaret Penn, Spinning Around Our Star
Photograph Copyright ©2010 Oreobambo

"...the sound image is great and well-formed; the tone quality is fine and delicate; the tone color is vivid and colorful. The music sounds are realistic and alive. Although it is a recording of merely two instruments, the harpsichord and the piano, you can experience its magic and charm better with a better audio system... Trust me, this is a wonderful and moving album that you never want to miss."
AUDIO ART - # 274
Editor's CD

Huang Ku-Kuang
Summer 2011 - Translated from Chinese)

AUDIO ART - Read Complete Review

"...This is amazing. This CD sounds SO GOOD. Your playing is so articulate and passionate.  The recording sounds like the piano should sound.  It sounds like a piano in front of me, NOT a recording. WOW! I am so happy that you recorded direct to the 1 inch 2 track on our tape. This is a proud moment in my career to hear such artistic beauty.

Mike Spitz
ATR Magnetics
York, Pennsylvania

"... lo trovo meraviglioso!!!
Le composizioni sono splendide!!!!
Parlano di universi nuovi mai esplorati finora,
ben scritti e sontuosamente suonati.
Questo e' un CD che mi terra' molta compagnia come sta facendo adesso.
E' molto molto profondo nella sua apparente semplicita',
parla dell'essere e al contempo del divenire.
E' travolgente."

"... I find it wonderful!!!
The compositions are splendid!!!!
They speak of new universes never explored until now,
well written and sumptuously played.
This is a CD that will give me much company as it is doing right now.
It is very very deep in its apparent simplicity,
it speaks of being and at the same time of becoming.
It's overwhelming."

Andrea Morricone
Los Angeles


Excerpt from Spinning Around Our Star

Performed by Margaret Penn.
Concert Grand Piano Fazioli F308

ColourfulTone®Recording & Mastering 2010

Copyright ©2010 Oreobambo
All Rights Reserved.

Licence SIAE n. 2869 /I/ 2806

EM Productions 2010

mp3 file from 1 inch analog magnetic tape

Margaret Penn, Spinning Around Our Star
Photograph Copyright ©2010 EM Productions

ColourfulTone®Recording & Mastering 2010

China 2019


Oreobambo Web Site
Music: Web Licence SIAE n. 2869 /I/ 2806
All Photographs and Music Copyright ©1996/2025 Oreobambo
Web site design and information - Copyright ©1996/2025 EM Productions
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without express written permission of the copyright holders